about me – anu subra

Your Next Content Writer

Thanks for stopping by! I am Anu, a 7-year old Canadian immigrant residing in the beautiful city of Toronto…okay Barrie, but I’m in Toronto often. I grew up in Zambia ðŸ‡ŋðŸ‡ē, studied in the UK 🇎🇧, worked in India ðŸ‡ŪðŸ‡ģ, and finally moved to Canada ðŸ‡ĻðŸ‡Ķ and haven’t moved yet so that’s a good sign!

Writing has been something I have been doing since I can remember. It started off with a personal blog – click if you want to read the musings of a dark-souled teenager. This somehow made its way to becoming my career and something I thoroughly enjoy! ðŸŦķ🏞

Please drop in an email at [email protected] if you want any writing services, want to grab a coffee, or just have a random thought you’d like to share. I’d love to get to know you too! 😊

6 fun facts about me


I grew up in Zambia ðŸ‡ŋðŸ‡ē

I grew up in a small town called Chingola, from the age of a 2 month old baby all the way to 15. At 15, we moved to Lusaka where I went to high school. Zambia has a huge chunk of my heart and I love every moment of my time there! â™Ĩïļ


I have a story in the Chicken Soup book! 📖

At the age of 16, I experienced teenage love and have a short story about my prom date published in “Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage Soul”. I still have 2 copies I proudly see on my bookshelf. ðŸĨđ


I love Plants!! ðŸŒŋ

This actually started when I got to work with Chive, the plant shop in Toronto. Now I am the proud plant mom of a 2-year old Monstera, a few Pothos, a Ficus, and a Palm. I also have some cacti and other smaller plants scattered around the house. ðŸŠī


I love reading books! 📚

As far as I can remember, reading was my best company. I grew up reading Enid Blyton books (Famous Five was my favourite!) and Harry Potter. I’m currently reading “Daughters of Madurai” by Rajasree Variyar, and just finished “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing” by Matthew Perry. 💙


I actually think working in an office is better than remote 👀

Or at least hybrid working is better than a full-remote role. But this is for me. I thrive in a world of structure and working from home has its moments. As a freelancer, I try to stay accountable and have a routine…but there are days I wish I was late to catch a bus so I’d wake up on time! 😅


I love planning…anything! 🚀

Be it trips, birthday dinners, movie nights, or projects…I love planning. I will whip out my Excel sheet and that gives me more joy than a day off. Being organized is something my parents and sister passed on to me so it’s no shocker. I have a checklist for all the things you pack for vacation. Some people think I am crazy but it works for me! ðŸĪ·ðŸŧ‍♀ïļ

I would love to hear from you!

I’d love to work with you and use my content skills to bring your brand story to life. Please don’t hesitate to email me on [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Celebrating 2 years of subrandco and freelancing!

A photoshoot to mark my one year of subrandco and freelancing.

In my happy place – coffee, croissants, and content creation.